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Saturday, June 18, 2011

You Capture-Bathrooms

Interesting focus for You Capture this week. My bathrooms are purely utilitarian, nothing interesting or fancy about them. However, the most entertaining thing that goes on in my bathroom is Gems' bathtime.
She is a reluctant bather at best.
It takes some bribing, cajoling and sometimes plain old wrestling to get her into the tub.Thank goodness, she is a small dog.

"OOOOH  Mom left me a treat here?! Can't pass up a treat. How did that bathroom door get closed?"

"Better get every last crumb."

First escape attempt while Mom fiddling with camera." Drat,the door is still closed."

"Allright, if you insist..."  Yes I did, she can be a stinky dog.
"Really, are you happy now that you have broken my spirit. I was just starting to like the way I smelled.
It was my favorite scent-eau de deer poop/pee."

"At least this new shampoo is tastey."
"Can I get out now , puhlease?"

So she got out, drenched my bathroom as she shook herself out of a towel and ran around the house like the crazy hound that she is.

She should smell good until she finds another patch of deer excrement to roll around in. Won't take long.

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